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Signs That My Kidneys Are Not Working Well

The kidneys are responsible for filtering our blood, helping to eliminate toxins and purify our body, which is why its proper functioning is fundamental to our health. But diverse conditions can compromise their well-being, detecting them in time is important to find the opportune treatment and guarantee that our body stays always healthy.

kidney disease

Conditions such as kidney stones, infections, nephritis or kidney failure can affect these important organs, compromising our health. Do you know how to detect that they are failing? In this article, we reveal some signs that your kidneys are not working well, pay attention to them!

What is the function of the kidneys?

The adequate renal function is very important to guarantee our general health since these organs fulfill important functions in the purification process of our organism.

Some of the functions of the kidneys are:

  • Purify the blood eliminating waste, toxins, excess water, medication, etc. All these elements are filtered and converted into a liquid that will be stored in the bladder and then expelled in the form of urine.
  • Regulate the amount of calcium in our blood as well as the production of vitamin D. When we eat a lot of calcium in the diet or through supplements, it is possible that the kidneys do not manage to eliminate it effectively, thus giving rise to the formation of kidney stones composed mainly of this mineral.
  • Regulate the amount of acids present in our bodies to prevent them from accumulating and causing health problems.
  • Release the hormone renin, responsible for regulating blood pressure.
  • Release erythropoietin, a hormone that stimulates the production of red blood cells.

Conditions that can affect our kidneys

Because they are one of the purifying organs of the body when the balance we need to function properly is lost we run the risk of suffering from various conditions that affect our kidneys and therefore our general health.

Some common kidney diseases are:

  • Kidney stones or stones occur when calcium, uric acid or struvite accumulate in the body and cannot be adequately eliminated through urine.
  • Infections in the urinary tract or pyelonephritis. The infection originates in the urethra or bladder and, if left untreated, goes up to the kidneys, affecting its functioning.
  • Renal insufficiency, a chronic disease through which the ability to filter blood by the kidneys is slowly lost.
  • Kidney Cysts
  • Cancer in the kidney.

Symptoms that your kidneys do not work well

Our body is a highly efficient machine, and when one of the components of the gear does not run properly the body begins to send small signals. Some of them can be ignored or confused with other conditions, however, if you present one or more of the following symptoms it is best to go to a nephrologist in Delhi for a review. A blood test and a urine sample are enough to detect kidney function problems.

Some signs that your kidneys do not work well are:

Important changes in urine

Because the kidneys are responsible for producing urine, when the operation of the kidneys is not adequate, it is common to notice important changes in urination. Conditions may vary depending on the problem, but some of the signs you may notice are:

  • Urinating much more frequently, it becomes common to get up at night to urinate and go to the bathroom very often during the day.
  • On the contrary, it may happen that you urinate less frequently and that the liquid has a very dark color or a cloudy appearance.
  • Blood in the urine.
  • Bad smell in urination.
  • A sensation that you do not completely empty the bladder.

Bloated body

Due to the fluid retention that occurs because the kidneys are not working properly, it is common to notice the inflamed body especially in areas such as the ankles, feet, abdomen, face or hands.

Pain in the lower back or side

This is one of the signs that the kidneys do not work well more common. It occurs in patients with conditions such as kidney stones, urinary infections, and even kidney failure.

Tiredness and unexplained fatigue

As we explained earlier, one of the functions of the kidneys is to produce erythropoietin, a hormone that interferes with the production of red blood cells. When there are problems in the kidneys the levels of this hormone are affected and therefore the number of red blood cells in the blood decreases, also reducing the oxygen that our organs receive including the brain. Patients begin to suffer from anemia, and this is the reason why they feel tired and have difficulty concentrating for no apparent reason.

Rashes and itchy skin

This can be a sign of kidney failure because the kidneys are responsible for eliminating toxins from the body, by not doing properly they happen to accumulate in the body affecting the appearance and health of the dermis.

Nausea and vomiting

It also happens due to the accumulation of toxins in the body, the body is unable to eliminate waste and tries to do it in other ways, for example through vomiting. This, in turn, causes loss of appetite and therefore involuntary weight loss.

Bad breath and a metallic taste in the mouth

Due to the accumulation of waste in the body, those who suffer from the kidneys usually perceive a metal taste in the mouth accompanied by bad breath. It may also be common to begin to repel foods such as meat.

Other symptoms that may indicate that your kidneys are not well are:

  • Feeling of frequent cold, even when it is hot. This is due to the anemia that patients with this condition usually suffer.
  • Feeling short of breath when performing simple activities such as walking a bit. This may be caused by the lack of cellular oxygenation.
  • Problems of concentration or lack of memory, also due to the lack of oxygenation of the brain.

If you notice several of these symptoms, it is best to go to a kidney specialist in Delhi for a general review that includes blood and urine tests, which will determine if there is any condition linked to the kidneys.